Crusader Kings II Wiki


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Prestige is the standing of your ruling character in the world and it determines your winning rank. Prestige is accumulated by your characters during their lifetime through titles, events, ambitions and war. Upon the death of your character, their prestige is added to your score. Prestige is very important, with various benefits:

  • Diplomatic requests will have more favorable results if you have more prestige.
  • The more prestige, the more attractive a husband (or wife) you are to potential suitors.
  • Losing a war or making certain decisions costs prestige, so the more the better. It's like an alternative currency.
  • Each 100 of prestige gives you a +1 bonus to opinion from all your vassals. (+20 max) This is very needed!
  • 1000 Prestige allows you to fulfill the Exalted among Men ambition, granting a +1 permanent bonus to your diplomacy.
  • Claiming someone's title costs prestige, so this is very important for your expansion wars.
  • Prestige is added to your dynasty score.

Gaining Prestige

Marrying someone or marrying your daughter to someone with a higher title than you earns prestige.

Winning a war, be it suppressing your independent vassal or full scale conflict, earns you lots of prestige. Equally, winning battles also gains you prestige, and lots of major battles can add up to a prestige gain (or loss!) equal to some wars!

Each title you hold, be it count, duke etc, gives you monthly prestige. The higher the title the better (0.02 per barony; 0.10 per county; 0.20 per duchy; 0.80 per kingdom 1.60 per empire). Creating or usurping a title costs money and gives you prestige.

Some events and decisions, or certain ambitions, will reward you with prestige. Going on a Grand Hunt grants prestige.

Each character on the council earns some prestige each month. Honorary titles earn (or cost in the case of Court Jester) a very small amount of prestige.

Getting the "Proud" trait gives you +0.5 monthly prestige, and "Scarred" gives you +0.10 monthly prestige.
